Can Do Multiple Sclerosis


Can Do Multiple Sclerosis


The Heuga Center for Multiple Sclerosis, a Colorado-based nonprofit dedicated to helping people living with Multiple Sclerosis and their families live their best life with MS, asked Sector Brands to evaluate and re-craft the organization’s brand in order to expand its reach and impact nationally. We worked to develop a new name, Can Do Multiple Sclerosis, and brand platform that reflected the unique ‘can do’ attitude and lifestyle principles of the organization’s founder Jimmie Heuga. Repositioning Can Do MS as an innovative ‘lifestyle empowerment program’, Sector Brands then partnered with graphic designers Michele Messenger and LeeAnna Salazar to craft a new brand identity and campaign to capture the uplifting and empowering essence of the new brand mantra The Power To be More Than Your MS.

Maas Madebranding